Augmented Reality
That's when the real is augmented with virtual. Soon going to be the next big revolution, we have done many experiments with this technology. Things are not far when we can change the world we see the way we want. Stay in touch and explore the new world. This is one of the cool technology which is adopted by many big companies like Google,Apple, Microsoft, Facebook.
This will make virtual models independent of any display medium like monitor etc. Photograph is 2D information recorded and Hologram is 3D information recorded. Physics on interference and diffraction alongwith laser beam recreate the recorded 3D image. Using hologram projector we can create holographic environment.
Go Solar
Nature is the most intelligent of us all. Everything that we understand about nature is science and what we don't, it is magic. With such changes in the climate, we are left with no alternative other than taking nature's help. Harnessing renewable energies is the answer. Check out our solar calculator.
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